Currently only support Blender 4.1 or above, make sure you have the correct version of Blender.
For Blender 4.2 or higher
The most recommended way is to open Edit > Preferences > Extension, enter "bio" in the search box and click Install. since the addon is quite large (20MB) you may need to wait a while!
Thats it!
If it cannot be enable, reboot blender or install again as administrator
Also, you can do it maually. Download the Extension version BioxelNodes_Extension_{version}.zip
In Blender, Edit > Preferences > Extensions > Install from Disk, select the zip file you just downloaded.
For Blender 4.1
Download the Addon version BioxelNodes_Addon_{version}.zip
In Blender, Edit > Preferences > Add-ons > Install, select the zip file you just downloaded.
The add-on requires a third-party python dependency called SimpleITK, click Install SimpleITK
button below to install the dependency. After clicking, blender may get stuck, it is downloading and installing, just wait for a moment. After that, click Reboot Blender
This step may have failed due to network factors, just click "Set PyPI Mirror" to change the mirror.