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Support Format

Can't wait to play with the addon using your own data? Here's a list of the formats currently supported.

Format EXT
DICOM .dcm, .DCM, .DICOM, .ima, .IMA
BMP .bmp, .BMP
JPEG .jpg, .JPG, .jpeg, .JPEG
PNG .png, .PNG
TIFF .tif, .TIF, .tiff, .TIFF
Nifti .nia, .nii, .nii.gz, .hdr, .img, .img.gz
Nrrd .nrrd, .nhdr
HDF5 .hdf, .h4, .hdf4, .he2, .h5, .hdf5, .he5
OME .ome.tiff, .ome.tif
MRC .mrc, .mrc.gz, .map, .map.gz

Despite my best efforts, I still can't achieve perfect support for all volumetric data formats, and I will continue to work on this.

Open Databases

If you don't have volumetric data, then you can download from some open databases.

Note that just because they are open and available for download does not mean you can use them for anything! Be sure to look at the description of the available scopes from website.

Source Object
MorphoSource Open Research Data
Dryad Open Research Data
Cell Image Library Cells
OpenOrganelle Cells
Allen Cell Explorer Cells
EMDB Protein, Viruses
IDC Medical Images
Embodi3D Medical Images
Github Medical Images
NIHR Medical Images
Medical Segmentation Decathlon Medical Images
Visible Human Project Medical Images